According to Techcrunch reports, Twitter suffered from Saturday StalkDaily worm attacking. Once the user visits the site, the computer will be infected and will send a large number of Twitter spam messages, which will lure users to visit other websites called StalkDaily.
It is not clear the specific circumstances of the worm. But as we see, during someone visit to the infected user’s personal Twitter page, other users will also be infected. It is reported that the worm will modify personal Twitter page “About me” section and add a point to a link to the worm.
This attack began at the United States Saturday morning, many of the blog have paid attention to the worm.As we can see through Twitter search, there have been hundreds of articles and news related to the virus in just a few minutes.
The official of Twitter released a piece of news on Saturday morning. Twitter has been the attention to the incident, and the majority of this issue has been resolved. But Twitter spam inspection account also announced that the worm turned up again.
In order to ensure the safety of the individual pages, the users had better use a third-party Twitter software to login in their account to prevent read other people’s personal page, For example,you can use DestroyTwitter,a very good software,which you can send and get tweets in time.