
ClickEquations This Weekend

A new upgraded version of ClickEquations will be available next week. More details about the new features and enhancements will be posted here on Monday.

In preparation, we’ll be doing some work on our servers over the next few days.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • ClickEquations Manager will be disabled Friday May 1, at approx. 5pm EST. It should be re-activated late on Saturday May 2nd.
  • ClickEquations Reporting will be down for a few hours on Saturday afternoon May 2.

To keep up-to-date on any changes to this expected schedule, and all future service upgrades and interruptions, clients should follow our new client-only twitter stream @CQstatus (www.twitter.com/cqstatus).

This is a ‘protected-updates’ twitter account so after you submit a follow request, send us an email to support@clickequations.com with your twitter name and we’ll approve you.

We’ve got some great and frequently-requested new features and improvements to roll-out next week. Please check back Monday to learn all about them.
